슈엔, XUAN.
Hey. Everything on the blog is just what shit I face once in a while. Don't mind me, venting my anger and saying things that i couldn't say in real. I can blabber all about me at here or you can just find out for yourself.

"Dreams. We got enough that we can fill the tank And even if we gotta' break the bank; You know we're gonna TURN IT UP,TURN IT UP, TURN IT UP."
"I can be tough, I can be strong. But with you, it's not like that at all. There's a girl that gives a shit; Behind this wall, you just walk through it"
"2/4 FTW"
Since i can't post it on class blog.
I shall post here , :)

Thank you all two-fourian'10 of sac.
Thanks for all the memories and stuff like this.
Thanks for being so awesome.
It's okay to be emotional , but sorry i can't be.
I felt really bad for not being emotional on last day of school.
I really hope i was , but the day is over .
Sorry for all the troubles i gave you guys , for those whom i did.
This year pass really fast, and everything you guys did was really awesome.
We can always have more gathering next year if you guys want.
I hope we can remain as close as we are now in future .
But i know one day we'll always drift away even if we promise.
I just hope everyone will be happy in future.
Always work hard !
Sorry i'm really bad at expressing myself.
I'm not used to being so .. emotional.
I just want to tell you guys who great you're.
I'll always remember you , ♥

to my most awesome , 3GS♥ ;
Sorry guys for sometimes being so hard to communicate.
I'm really grateful for you two for being my friends.
Being so awesome and always joking around.
I hope i was a great friend to you.
I wasn't really a good help to you , sorry.
I wish i could have help you in any ways , i feel so helpless.
Maybe because i'm hard to open up to , i rarely tell you guys things.
Truth is , i really wish i could open up to you guys.
Truth is , i never wanted to leave you two.
But i guess i can't have what i want.
I hate how my past affect me now , i can't help it.
Thanks for everything , i'll always remember you.
You guys are really special and different to me.
♥ Undercover X to Undercover J(s) .
I love you.

To my most awesome class ; 2/4 ♥
Thanks for making so much memories for the year.
I like how our class are so bonded even though we have so many different personalities.
We've gone through alot of troubles , and i really hope we can stay together.
Guess we have no choice but to leave each other.
We'll always miss Trina ,
Everyone wishes Trina you loads of luck when you migrate.
Please even if you don't remember , remember your best friend.
It's not my job to say this but i really envy you have so many friends and being so close to them.
You're the best Trina.
Same to you 2/4, you're the best.
You gave me many laughters while being so sick.
I know it's not our fault , we're just used to it right?
Anyway , i hope everyone will remember each other.
And we can meet up some time in 2011 if we can.
I'll miss everyone.
♥XUAN - The in-charge-of-sleeping-in-class.
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