슈엔, XUAN.
Hey. Everything on the blog is just what shit I face once in a while. Don't mind me, venting my anger and saying things that i couldn't say in real. I can blabber all about me at here or you can just find out for yourself.

"Dreams. We got enough that we can fill the tank And even if we gotta' break the bank; You know we're gonna TURN IT UP,TURN IT UP, TURN IT UP."
"I can be tough, I can be strong. But with you, it's not like that at all. There's a girl that gives a shit; Behind this wall, you just walk through it"
"제발.. 가지마세요.."
One day.
I'll might be able to tell you how much i care for you like anyone else.
You were the only one that made me feel that i should love you.
But the only one that made me feel that i'm fuck hell annoying.
I'm sorry, if i'm or i didn't notice.

I don't know what to do anymore.
I'm lost about the protectiveness of you.
Obviously something's wrong here, i'm not supposed to be so attached to you.
Not when we only knew each other this year.
I'm sorry, i don't trust people so easily.
I wish i could tho, but that will only cause me more pain.
The best thing for both of us is to avoid excessive contacts i guess.
Then maybe i won't get so attached to you.
Then maybe, when you ever leave, i will be less hurt.
I'll be expecting it, for the time you leave.
Easy come, easy go, I don't want to be disappointed at myself.
Not when i know this will happen.
Time to be more mature, more wise about this.
Let it go, it happens every time.
Even if you have to, don't leave.
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