슈엔, XUAN.
Hey. Everything on the blog is just what shit I face once in a while. Don't mind me, venting my anger and saying things that i couldn't say in real. I can blabber all about me at here or you can just find out for yourself.

"Dreams. We got enough that we can fill the tank And even if we gotta' break the bank; You know we're gonna TURN IT UP,TURN IT UP, TURN IT UP."
"I can be tough, I can be strong. But with you, it's not like that at all. There's a girl that gives a shit; Behind this wall, you just walk through it"
"there's endless things we want,"

Ever felt like you can never have what you want?

I guess everybody have what they want, and most of the times we don't get what we want.

"You want what you can't have,"
Don't you agree that what you can't have usually makes you want it more?
Human nature? 

Many things in life are what we can't control.
You just have to accept the way it is and let it be.
Remember to look and appreciate things you have right now.
Because not everyone in this world can have what you have.
They wouldn't mind trading to be you instead.

Sometimes i wish i could "google" what others are thinking.
But i wouldn't want to let other people know what i am thinking.
Because, what am i thinking are usually terrible and meant to be kept to myself.

Recently, i felt that i was taking many things for granted.
My parents' money especially, since it wasn't earn by me.
All i do was to complain and groan about how things weren't working the way i wanted.
While other people are suffering, all i was doing was complaining how "bad" my life is.
Sometimes, i feel that i am such an insensitive bitch.
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