슈엔, XUAN.
Hey. Everything on the blog is just what shit I face once in a while. Don't mind me, venting my anger and saying things that i couldn't say in real. I can blabber all about me at here or you can just find out for yourself.

"Dreams. We got enough that we can fill the tank And even if we gotta' break the bank; You know we're gonna TURN IT UP,TURN IT UP, TURN IT UP."
"I can be tough, I can be strong. But with you, it's not like that at all. There's a girl that gives a shit; Behind this wall, you just walk through it"
"Falling deeper into the black hole,"

I missed all those times we spent together.
There wasn't any stress when we spend time together.
I don't feel so restricted, so drained and irked by everything.

But now, you don't even care anymore.
Even though, we knew each other only for a short period of time..
You made me trust you so much, thank you for being my friends for the short period of time.

Sometimes i wonder what would be different if we're still friends.
I want to keep you as my friends for my entire life.
But i'm sorry, i'm too weak and timid to tell you that you're the most important people in my life.
Honestly, the short period of months, were the best time of my life.
I love both of you so darn much. 

All my negative emotions are accumulating, bottled in my heart.
It's begging me to let it all out, but i know i can't.
I can't make my burden, someone's else's burden.

It's tough..
When everything in my life isn't looking well these days.

I just wish people would stop being selfish , there are things that can't be joked and laugh at.
Why can't you reflect more on yourself, and stop demanding so much from me.

I feel so constricted now.
I feel like I was supposed to give in to those around me.
I feel like I need to have a certain standard to be "me".
I feel so stressful that life is meaningful now.

Why make things so hard for me?
I just want to live my life simple and plain.
Stop thinking that the world revolves around you.

I want my life back, i am pretending to be someone else.
I don't feel happy anymore, those are just temporary emotions.
I don't wanna lose anyone anymore.
I don't wanna get hurt again.

It hurts, when i know nobody cares.
It hurts, when i had to "entertain" people by giving in to them because i am their "friend".
It hurts, when i had to fake that smile.

Nobody will accept me for who i am.
Nobody would care about what i think.
Nobody is there when i need them.
And you wonder why i don't trust anymore.
And you wonder why i can't do this much longer.

I don't care about your thoughts.
I don't wanna be pressurized by peer pressure anymore.
I can't do this any longer, negative emotions are hard to be suppress.
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