슈엔, XUAN.
Hey. Everything on the blog is just what shit I face once in a while. Don't mind me, venting my anger and saying things that i couldn't say in real. I can blabber all about me at here or you can just find out for yourself.

"Dreams. We got enough that we can fill the tank And even if we gotta' break the bank; You know we're gonna TURN IT UP,TURN IT UP, TURN IT UP."
"I can be tough, I can be strong. But with you, it's not like that at all. There's a girl that gives a shit; Behind this wall, you just walk through it"
"Please tell me you'll stay, "

My life, right now, is utterly and painfully boring.
All i do right now is play game, play game, sleep, eat and play game.
What kind of rubbish life i am living right now :/
I really need a job right now, but it seems like it's not coming soon.

You know..
It's days like these during the holidays remind me of how lonely i am.
While everyone is out, having fun or working together with others.
I am always at home, rotting away.. Not doing anything productive.

Ever felt like you're alone in a house full of people you love?
This is how i feel currently, sitting in the room with moodswings.

Bloody hate this mood right now, I'm so angsty that i get angry easier.
So i have to avoid everyone in the house because if i don't..
I'll probably lose control and vent my anger on them.
Why the fudge i have to be this way, so insensitive and rude.
Sighs, i can't believe my behavior right now.

I wish i wasn't such a whiny teenager right now.
Freaking hate these moodswings right now.

Always feeling like life isn't worth living anymore.
Why am i having so many f***ing negative thoughts?

Yesterday night,
 I think it was probably the weirdest day of the entire year.
I really hope the feeling don't mean anything. 
It'll just become another regret like any other ones i had in the past.
Don't like the anxious feeling i felt due to the presence. 
Please don't ... please don't..
I don't wanna be weak again. 
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