슈엔, XUAN.
Hey. Everything on the blog is just what shit I face once in a while. Don't mind me, venting my anger and saying things that i couldn't say in real. I can blabber all about me at here or you can just find out for yourself.

"Dreams. We got enough that we can fill the tank And even if we gotta' break the bank; You know we're gonna TURN IT UP,TURN IT UP, TURN IT UP."
"I can be tough, I can be strong. But with you, it's not like that at all. There's a girl that gives a shit; Behind this wall, you just walk through it"
"Watching far away,"
I almost forgotten that i actually still have a blog.
10 months have passed by so fast since last year, I don't even have any memories that is memorable at all.
It's kind of sad to say that since every year during my secondary life was pretty memorable in their own way.

Probably because of the friends i had, not saying that the friends i have in JC isn't good. I guess there's too little time and effort to even make memories nowadays. It's hard to find someone to talk to now, I'm just a emotional mess right now.

The promo exams were really tough. Especially for me since I was never hardworking until the last min, I was having a tough time catching up with my Chemistry and Math that my biology was pretty crappy. Maybe I wasn't as smart or good as I made myself to be.

I really miss my carefree life. With all the friends that made me laugh. With all the friends I loved so much.

I feel so left out nowadays. I mean I am so busy and immersed with my own clique that I don't get invited to outings. That kind of abandonment, I don't think I will never get out of.

I feel like a loner wherever i go. Sometimes even i need someone to talk to someone to accompany.

I miss you guys so much that it kind of hurts. I don't get invited anymore..
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